23 Jun 2021
Multiple Sclerosis – Indestructible Spirit

As a company whose number one priority is the well-being of our respondents, you can rest assured we are conducting our market research activites differently. 

Our team truly cares about the challenges our patients’ panel members are going through on a daily basis, and are having their best interest at heart.

And yes, everyone in the market research industry will tell you that the respondents need to be treated equally, but we couldn’t help but ask ourselves – does every respondent have the power to potentially save a life?

The answer is no. But patients can.  By sharing their experience, and providing precious insights into a serious condition, such as MS, the patients can save [or at least improve] someone else’s life. Sometimes, just letting the other person know they are NOT ALONE is all that takes to make someone’s day.

How many times have you googled your symptoms and felt better knowing someone else on an X forum is going through the same challenges and emotions as yourself? As humans, we seek comfort in our tribe – we need other humans to feel more human.

And the thing that makes us human the most – our intricate thoughts and concerns, our subjective interpretation of reality. And the reality is – we all hurt; we all break; we all fall ill. But having someone to share our hurt with – makes us stronger; having someone to pick up the pieces when we break – makes us whole; having someone to take care of us while we are ill – makes us heal.

YOU have the power to heal – never forget that! We most certainly never will.

For this reason, we have invited people diagnosed with MS who are using injection devices as part of their treatment, in order to deliver firsthand, in-depth knowledge of how the device can be improved for future users. As you can see, this was immensely important research, one capable of change and improvement of the injection devices for MS.


But we wanted to take it a step further, as the team wished to invite the respondents personally, so that people diagnosed with MS feel more comfortable after seeing the team. We wanted them to trust us, as we acknowledge what they are going through.


We are aware we will never truly understand, but can promise we will always try.


What the patients have shared with us over the years is that they are really impressed with the empathy our team is constantly demonstrating, while respectfully, and humbly, taking their limitations and challenges into consideration. 


Limitations…such a terrible word, but one we know our respondents have to live with every day. But in order to truly feel limitless, one has to be limited first. And because we know this, we are able to treat our respondents with admiration, as they have demonstrated that when the body appears breakable, the spirit is indestructible.