Web Assisted Telephone Interview

Patients with Aneurysmal subarachnoid haemorrhage (aSAH)

We are looking to invite patients who have experienced a ruptured brain aneurysm /aSAH within the last 3 years. The purpose of the research is to understand the key milestones and patient journey of aSAH and we are looking to understand more about the experience of a particular acute medical emergency from the perspective of patients (and their loved ones). The study will involve a 30-minute online pre-task and a 60-minute web-assisted telephone interview. To take part in this study, please click on the button below.

  • Location: UK, Nationwide
  • Date: To be confirmed during recruitment
  • Time: To be confirmed during recruitment
  • Duration: 90 minutes in total (30 Minute Pre-Task + 60 Minute WATI)
  • Incentive: £200
  • Availability: 2 slots available